As shadows streak past the weary eye,
Thunders of war tear through the sky,
Belligerent clouds paint a crimson war,
As battle-forces gather from skies afar.
Cries of a skirmish,often are heard,
Voices scream,as war powers gird,
Hands,outreached from the fires of hades,
Souls devoured at the netherworld gates.
Innocent souls burn,as vulpines sneer,
The skies reek with multitudes of fear,
No silver contours for miles have been,
As wars distend to regions unseen.
Will hope,will joy,ever return?
Will a break ensue,in this cycle of burn?
As bleak eyes devoid of hope,appeal,
Fate is ruled with blood and a seal.
P.S: This is a tribute to the blasts at Mumbai. India's not shining,it's burning. The next city could be ours... Awake,India,Awake... If others are sealing our fates with guns and blood,what is the purpose of education and industry?? Crush those bugs like the scum that they are,root them out..!!
The title of this post is derived from the Latin phrase "si vis pacem, para bellum" which means
‘If you want peace, prepare for war!’