Hell yeah...You gotta be screaming in fright,
Cause this guy makes even bad look good,
Cold dark fire-starter under the hood...
He aint got a bother when he's havin' fun,
But when he works,you'd betcha-Home run!,
Count all your blessings,while in time you may,
Cause when he comes hunting,you aint got time to pray...
When he walks the road,fear rules supreme,
While you dream a livin, he's livin a dream,
Don't mess with the Napster,he'll put you to sleep,
With a sniper in his hand and your head burrowed deep...
In time his network will be complete,
And this whole world be kissin' his feet!
NOTE:: This special exception to the usual writing is dedicated to my good friend Ravi who celebrated his 21st birthday today... Happy birthday bro...