Oct 8, 2009

The Drifter


Stretched out I lie, with thoughts abed,
Time now is still, and I,ahead,
In neither dream nor in wakeful state,
Footsteps I hear,that slowly abate.

A carcass of sounds envelops this space,
Now do I notice the deafening pace,
I veer from my path,control no more,
And at once I drop the burden I bore.

Brief but weighted, comes wisdom, a pause
And now again, my thoughts are at loss,
Drifting like shadows in the veil of the dark,
Numbed, each moment on journeys I embark.

No path do I see, no destination set,
No names, no memories from faces I met,
I walk till my body is aged and sore,
I walk till my eyes can show me no more.

But until then, each day they will grow swifter,
Distant, my own thoughts, beside me - the drifter.