Trivialities,the greatest of pursuits without a cause,
A slender boat,a broken soul, on a random toss,
Faith prevails when the storm passes hence,
Only to be bribed by worldly sense.
Knowing that tides will rise and fall,
Random,yet certain to tinker us all,
Lions too here lose their royal touch,
For might it seems,counts not as much.
A lull is often felt,a peace calling,
TO be broken by cries of hundreds,falling,
Tossing, turning, with only air to hold,
Gasping as their grip loosens with the cold.
As waters gush to fill a lonely heart,
An anchor is dropped into the lucid dark,
Lips quiver,a tear runs down,
Unseen,yet tracing the path of a frown.
A million sobs are stifled by hushes of waves,
Tears that shatter in the darkest of caves,
What once was a struggle,has ceased to be,
As yet another brave soul loses to this sea...
"A sea we call world" is not doing justice to your good work..
It deserves a stronger title...
i agree sir/madam.. I'd run out of ideas and patience when i uploaded it... wil give it a new title later.. :)
actually.. no.. i'm unable to come up with a better title.. anyone reading this is free to suggest.. :) lazy me... :p
U've chosen perfect titles for the rest of your poems.... now come on ...do justice to this one too..
but if you insist, may be i'd say
"Voracious waves.." or "quelled to silence.." I dono...I think u can come up with something even better if u try just a little bit!!!
hmmmm.. I liked it :) A different way of looking at the world..
Struggle by the sea?
Stifling silence?
Journey across the sea?
Am just thinking aloud.. frankly.. not in the best of my "come-up-with-a-title" moods :(
hmm... wil wait for ur better ideas... :) as of now,this remains..
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