Awake each morn on purpose
Resolve if you should but know it within-
This day is yours, this hour yours to keep;
Let into each moment a little joy, a little spirit,
Let little moments sweep off the ground beneath your feet,
Let little hopes embolden you when the soul is weak,
Let a little love in when someone calls to you,
Let a little love out when you gaze into a human soul.
Let little hugs of cool air set your heart free,
Let little kisses of moist rain caress your face,
Let little songs of joy lend your heart warmth,
Let little turns as the winding roads waltz with you.
For these little moments are yours to keep,
And hold for long beyond all else.
No peaks of tomorrow or conquests big,
Will ever find fit in your heart inside,
Little moments will those small gaps fill,
Little joys in life will show you meaning.