Aug 29, 2012




It's a shame I cannot tell you
Of the things I tell myself-
The restless dreams,
The hopeless yearn
For unforetold days.

It's a shame I cannot share
Freak joys that are abound-
The littleness of the big,
The largeness of the small
And our lives thereupon.

It's a shame you will not know
This ode I write of you-
The miseries of hearts,
The joyful dances too
In broken entwine.

It's a shame you cannot say
More than you do now-
The flicker of approval,
The ticker of skipped beat
In a quelled heart.

It's a shame we cannot be
Otherly to written fates-
The sameness of tomorrow,
The newness of past days
And our grind amidst.

Aug 3, 2012



©Elizabeth AmorĂ© Bradley 

Upon a clear morn I set out

To find the self I’d lost for long.

No further had I gone than

The stream that passes near

The structure that houses me.


I looked upon him clear as ever,

Staid yet in the flowing waters.

He looked back in equal intensity,

It seemed like I was the illusion,

And he who stared back, reality.


I tried to reason, to talk with

Sense that years brought in effort.

He would not listen; plainly put,

He spoke only when I chose to say

A few words and sought fewer.


Playfully around me, was all else-

The air, the birds, the fish et al

Unaware, blissfully, of conflicts

That reflect upon a clear stream,

But alas, only for so long today.