Hidden in the stream of her flowing hair,
Is a charm that unmistakably stays there,
Over the years, over her jobs and roles,
Over paths that have often hurt insoles.
She walks unfazed, with head held high,
Only a silent prayer; a wishful sigh.
Stronger each day, with her quiet will,
Little joys in life she tries to fill,
Doing most with what she has at hand,
Some scheduled, yet some unplanned.
She moves collected, with unmatched grace,
Faltering some; yet with a smiling face.
Now as the long day has drawn to an end,
She smiles with the breeze that heavens will send,
Mother, daughter, friend and wife,
She plays them all; our cradle of life.
And in her is a light that calls to the unseen,
For beauty unaware truly is beauty pristine.