May 30, 2007

Good Night love...

Empty,yes and all devoid,
Without your fragrance all my hours are whiled
Your presence makes all else seem bleak,
your beauty and grace make my knees go weak!

My soul craves for love from you,
Lying in wait for those glances,few..
Rest those eyes before they wane,
Tis far better I wake with all your pain...

May 26, 2007

My Valentine

A light unseen breaks through the clouds,
A sound unheard of rings out aloud,
A moment new sparks thoughts new,
A love that renders it touch to few...

Another day passes without you here,
Yet another moment of suppressed cheer,
Knowing you won't be far any longer,
Only makes my faith deeper and stronger..

And as I'm immersed in thought of you,
A sudden rage makes my senses sinew,
For love makes sense when it's untrue,
But loses sanity when I'm thinking of you...

I never could bear to lose your love,
My heart wrenches with pain, and how...
I would die,should the feel die ever,
Be mine now,I'm yours forever....

Good morning love...

A dew drop bids a teary adieu,
To a moist eyed flower that made morn seem new,
A teary separation comes to end,
Even as another union waits to append.
A beautiful morn unites with a handsome yawn,
A glimmery dusk to undo the glum of dawn...

If we must separate for a reason so real,
I hope your life brings a morn like this everyday...

Silent Hope

A silent prayer fills an empty hall,
A sight to behold,this place in fall,
A voice lilts in the august air,
Causing a flutter in God's own lair.

She prays calmly for events not her own,
A serene picture of God's very own...
She lights up the path with just her presence-
A girl of passion,a girl of essence.

Vision that might outdo centurions before her,
All wrapped up in a simple prayer..
She had a long path to tread,
With only love and service ahead.

Steadfast in faith,binding in love,
Liken to an angel from above...