Aug 22, 2011





If you could only see my day start in your thought,

You would spare a moment to do the same.

If only my staid eyes did once get caught,

You would ask to find out my first name.


If a moment’s passing tide should stir your mind,

You could fathom my moment’s pain.

If a breeze should graze your neck from behind,

You would bless all the wishes I’d lain.


If in random beat, you find a step coy,

You could sense my wonder watching.

If just the sound of your name brings joy,

You should see my heart oft leaping.


If only our worlds were not set earlier,

You would know me for who I am, truly.

If only this thought, were in life lovelier,

You would possibly love my love duly.

Aug 15, 2011





What real visions do the moments show
When perchance I recall your face,
Knowing, what the common do not yet know,
Succumbed souls to an inglorious race.
I watch from beneath the earth, that has me
Warm, staid; only dust below the dust.
Lost souls that clamber into a mediocrity;
Even of resilient steel, now gather rust.

I care not much for the travails of the lost
Or the journeys they make with willful glee,
For only one can be worth the price it has cost,
The price of her future; the will to be free.
Death, just, has snatched me from the one,
Who made all the efforts worthwhile seem,
She awakes in the cold, shudders in the sun;
Praying for the break of this morbid dream.

From beneath the sod that covers me whole,
My prudent heart reasons this turn.
In wonder of this turn and fate's cruel role,
That I lie here lifeless; and yet I burn.
For when the burn stops and I shall be free,
The Gods will guard you, till your heart will tame.
Knowing the short term of an eternity,
Eternal, my joy; if you should call my name.

Life gives you chances to take choices for granted, Death is more just..its nearly the same to all. We are so involved in the rat race that consumes us, that we forget the ones we live for.. This poem is about that perspective..

Aug 7, 2011



 old wedding photos0004


So many words to say, so many wounds to show,

So many words my heart had never let her know.

Unspoken in the air, is a guilt that now takes lead,

Warn my heart and yet, naive, it will not take my heed.


I watch her from where I stand, wondering what she feels,

If all of this is a dreamy frame hung on even keels,

The picture old calls for her who always stood by me,

And a dusty glass in the frame that will not let us be.


A heaviness in the chest will just not let it beat,

Mindless, this time too, the story should repeat.

So many words to say, so many wounds to show,

So many words my heart had never let her know.


Happened to see some very old wedding photos. What would it mean to lose someone who has been your everything for more than 30 – 40 years..? I’d imagine regret for not having said enough, not having showed enough affection, because honestly, nothing is ever just about enough.. She deserved more..