Sep 28, 2012



It leaps in me and grows in time,
Your heart; for now and ever is mine,
I guard it well, I do my part,
I guard your heart, with just my heart.
It grows each day, this heart oft swells,
It makes more room for yours; here dwells.

Break it, you may; I'll take that risk,
I'll trade my beat for a beat more brisk.
Push me away, and I'll stand in line,
I'll wait for years, I'll bide my time.
Tear me apart, I'll smile through the pain,
I'll rebuild our house, you'll love me again.

We live only twice- as I, and as we,
I'll await our second union to be.
You walk away now; I'll mark your retreat
And when you return, my heartache will fleet,
Sleep will return, I seek it only here;
I seek it to forget you aren't yet near.



Sep 13, 2012

I’m worried..



I'm worried..

I'm worried that if you don't hear my voice, you'll forget the love that it bears when it calls your name..

I'm worried that when I see you next, you may not recognize me with my face torn by our separation..

I'm worried that people will know what a gem I've found, and they'll fall in love with you too..

I'm worried the rain gods will pour down to hide my tears, so much that our cities would flood..

I'm worried that my insanity would drive me when your love doesn't temper it down..

I'm worried the smell, that allure that draws me to you, will change in time..

I'm worried that the heart that echoes your name in each beat, will stop sometime..

I'm worried the distance will make you forget these times that I've loved you true..

I'm worried that time won't let you forget the distances we've made sometime back..

I'm worried if before my life returns, my breath shall collapse to a stop..